söndag 16 mars 2008

Mitt tarotkort

Om man följer samma princip som Mohammed Omar gör blir även mitt kort Eremiten.

The hermit has internalized the lessons of life to the point that he is the lesson.

There are two major ways this card can be interpreted: First; the need to withdraw from society to become comfortable with himself; Second, the need to come out of isolation to share his knowledge with others.

A potentially dangerous aspect of The Hermit is his retreat, his isolation. We all need to retreat sometimes; retreat and renewal are necessary for growth. But The Hermit may be tempted to completely withdraw from the world, not because the journey is done, but because the dragons of the real are too daunting, or because the trivial pleasures of the cave are too intoxicating. Withdraw at the wrong time, stay withdrawn too long, and growth stops. The cowl The Hermit wears protects him and isolates him. Hopefully, at some point, he casts it off and rejoins the world.

Some say that The Hermit represents the time we learn our true names; who we really are. The Greek philosopher Thales is reported to have been asked “what is the most difficult of all things?” To which he is said to have answered “To know yourself.” The Hermit is given time to obey the Delphic Oracle’s demand: know thyself.

Mycket smickrande.

Principen är alltså: Lägg ihop födelsedatumets siffror och fortsätt tills du når en summa som understiger 22. Exempel: 6 juni 1983 = 6+6+1983 = 1995 = 1+9+9+5 = 24 = 2+4 = 6. Sen kollar du upp vilket kort siffran representerar i den Stora Arkanan.

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